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Through the Years - Targeted in America Book
by Sharon R. Poet (Sharon Rose Poet)
(Updated Sept 1, 2014)

    This section contains a few examples of the types of unusual events that appear to be part of the targeting. I have no doubt that there are many things, which I am not remembering or realizing right now, because I am under an immense amount of pressure as I document this. I am being threatened, microwaved, harassed and shot with laser weapons. And I hope to be able to expand upon it, and shed more Light on it, in another book.

The 1970s

    There are many strange little things that have happened around the events I list; like the TV clicking off all by itself at my neighbor's house; like my mother telling me about strange dreams she suddenly started having around 1973 to 1975; like the sudden nerve damage infliction to my sister's eye; like the fact that a doctor had made my siblings and I have an operation to remove our tonsils. . .and I was later told that I still have my tonsils; like the strange head aches I got while working at a nursing home. . .and the "spiritualism" group that tried roping me in and then threatened a "curse" on me when I reported them to my minister, instead of joining them. (Their group seemed like some sort of satanism.) I do not believe in curses, but I believe that satanic (or sadistic) groups are targeting people with technologies that most of us are not aware of.

The "Accidents" and Brake Loss

    One of the many chains of incidences, which keeps being wiped out of my mind, happened from 1974 to December 1977. Among other things, I was in FOUR vehicle accidents within this time period.

    One was when I suddenly found myself hitting a tree and did not know what happened. I remember blaming it on my neighbors dog, because there was not any other way to explain it. I didn't know what happened to me.

    Another accident happened with me as a passenger in my sister's vehicle and I do not remember much about how that happened.

    In 1975 or 1976 I was run off the road and ended up in a serious crash that destroyed my car, broke my collar bone and gave me a concussion. There was a witness to this.
    I must have gone unconscious for a little while and, when I came to, a police officer was standing at the door of my car and a woman was crying out, "they just ran her right off the road!"
    I was taken to the hospital and tortured by a doctor who had two orderlys pin me down, without ever explaining what they were doing, while the doctor shoved my collar bone back into place.
    My mother must have sensed something wrong, because she came to the hospital and took me home, against doctors orders, while I was so drugged that the details are a bit foggy.
    Shortly after this, my mother was diagnosed with leukemia and we lost her just before Christmas in 1977. (Christmas is a day that I have often had cruel and unusual things happening to me.)

    In the 1977 summer, while my mother was in the hospital, an elderly man pulled out in front of me. My bike, struck his car sending me flying over it and landing hard on the pavement where I remained, in horrible pain, until an ambulance came. The arrival of the ambulance ended up being an extended period of time, because, one of the EMTs suddenly started having heart attack symptoms and the driver was forced to turn around and bring him to the hospital, instead of picking me up.
    Meanwhile it had started to rain and a couple of police officers were holding a tarp over me until a second ambulance could get to me.
    Another unusual thing about this accident is the way someone, who had witnessed the accident, had run out yelling and screaming at the elderly man who’d pulled out in front of me. “Look what you have done! You’ve killed her!” he screamed. Now, in looking back at it, it seems like this was staged.

    In 1976 I approached a stop sign, went to hit the brakes and the pedal went to the floor - I had no brakes! I flew right through the stop sign, almost hitting a truck, and then plowed into a snow bank in order to stop the car.
    Exactly why the brake fluid had suddenly drained out of my car was a mystery and the mechanic who had worked on the car, prior to the brake loss, assumed that maybe he had absent mindedly left a wrench on the bleeder and it had loosened the bolt as the car bounced over bumpy roads. None of us had even considered the possibility that someone may have intentionally drained the brake fluid out of my car, because I had no idea that I was being targeted or that anyone would want to harm me.
    But I now believe that this is most likely what had happened. I have learned that the targeting is often set up to place blame on someone else. Tampering with my brakes after a mechanic had just worked on them would be the type of timing they’d leap to take advantage of.

    Of course I realize that "life" happens - that accidents happen...etc. But there is so much that has happened to me, which is surrounded by chains of strange and unusual things, that it just can not ALL be cast aside as coincidental. Some of it reeks of documented dark/satanic targeting tactics. It appears that someone, had wanted me to be suffering and/or dead since the 1970s, and there is no CLEAR and SURE explanation for this. There is, however a few possibilities. But I need protection from further targeting, in order to be able to more fully process and clarify things.

My Mother's Death

    My mother had been diagnosed with advanced stages of leukemia and was in the hospital through most of 1977. At one point she had literally escaped the hospital and run away. Exactly what happened to make her feel a need to do this was never clear. But something obviously happened to make her feel uncomfortable or unsafe. She was not a fearful type of person. My experiences with being targeted in hospitals leads me to believe that she was probably terrorized by stalkers who did things like setting up conversations for her to over hear outside her room. The same types of things have happened to me at two different hospitals.
    In December 1977, after a nine month hospital stay, she decided to stop medical treatment and wanted to go visit her family in Canada. I had a sudden strange accident that broke my right foot and ended up having to drive her to Canada while using my left foot for both gas and brake pedals and propping my cast on the hump between the seats.
    On December 24, 1977 after helping me bake pies for Christmas, my mother, for no apparent reason, suddenly became extremely agitated and insisted upon being brought back to the hospital. My father and I brought her back and she behaved as if something bad had happened - as if I had said or done something that she was extremely hurt and angry about, although nothing had happened between us. This part of it has always baffled me. After we got to the hospital, her last words to me were a discusted, "What are YOU still doing here?" This was not like her. I numbly left, not understanding why she was behaving this way. (I now believe that she may have heard a remotely projected voice transmission that made her think that I had said something, which I didn't say. This sort of thing appears to be happening to me since then also and seems to be a regular part of the targeting process.)
    Later that night my father got a call from a doctor who stated that she had just died. She did not seem ill enough to die.
    For her wake there was an unusual insistence of a closed casket, cremation and for her family of origin to not be there, which was also odd and had no valid reason behind it.
    Due to dreams I’ve had, and a few other things, I have recently started believing that my mother did not really die, that her illness may have been microwave inflicted and microwave fixed. It appears that heavily targeted victims are forced into the targeting program during a staged “death” or after forced isolation from loved ones. I believe that she may have been tortured, abducted and brainwashed. This appears to be the pattern of those who target us. They torture us and then try to zoom in to be the “rescue” or try to ecruite us, or brainwash us into going with them. (Similar things have been happening to me.)
    I believe that my mother (being from the Montreal Canada area) may have been an MKULTRA victim if she was not targeted, along with the rest of my family, for the purpose of technological experimentation, by the mid 1970s. Around 1973 or 74 she had told me that she was suddenly starting to have odd dreams...etc. All of which I now know to be typical of the mind control targeting process.
    Exactly why or how the targeting began is something I am not 100% sure of. I have also wondered if it was connected to my uncle who was in the FBI or CIA - if he may have been involved. But I have recently also wondered if his family was targeted, because I know of two other FBI/CIA agents whose family members are being targeted.

    On the day of my mother’s funeral in 1977, a "friend" called me, all upset that I was not there for HER on this day and persisted to give me a hard time even after I told her that I was at my mother's funeral. This was strange that ANYONE would expect a person to leave a parents funeral to go console someone else's little issues. It should have been the other way around, but these sorts of shocking heartlessness have often been inflicted upon me and I now believe that most of those who do this to me are victims of technological mind control.

    Shortly after my mother's death, my father was hit with a HUGE medical bill - the insurance company suddenly decided that part of her nine month hospital stay, was not going to be covered due to some small technicality that had just been realized.

The 1980s

The Mill Fire

    In the spring of 1980 I was between 7 and 9 months pregnant, and at my father's home baby sitting my twin niece and nephew, when a fire suddenly broke out in my father's shop. I saw the smoke through the kitchen window and rushed upstairs to get my little brother. (We were the only ones there - my father had gone shopping.) While my brother raced outside I picked up the phone, but it was dead. (There was no reason for the phone to have not been working - the fire was not near the house or power lines.) I was unable to call for help so I rushed outside, where my brother was trying to access the building and move my father's trucks. I yelled for him to take my car to a neighbor's house and call the fire department, because I was caring for my little niece and nephew.
    He raced off in my cougar and a few minutes later, our closest neighbor drove into the yard with two other men crammed into the cab of his truck. "You'd better move that gas tank or the house will blow up with it," he called out as he turned around and all three of them drove away, leaving me there, obviously pregnant and with two scared and restless 4 year old children. Fear gripped me at this point. The flames were circling around a diesel fuel tank and getting closer to the larger gas tank he'd referred to. I rushed the children to the other side of the house, in case it exploded. And every minute felt like an hour while I waited for help to arrive. There was no way that I could move the gas tank by myself even if I did not have to take car of the children.
    Meanwhile, a tire fell off of my car while my brother was racing for help. (The lug nuts had been unscrewed.) But someone happened by and the fire department was eventually called and arrived after the building was mostly burned down. This was an old farm building that was about 200 feet long and 50 feet wide.
    I'll never forget the look on my father's face when he pulled into the yard. It tore at my heart. He not only lost his business and saw mill, but also a dream or two in the antique cars he'd been restoring in the back part of the building.
    The cause of the fire was never determined. Nobody, that we knew of, had been in the building for about an hour, and so it was assumed that it may have been caused by a smoldering spark from a grinder that my older brother had been using before he left.
    Rumors spread that my father torched it for insurance money, which added to the distress. He'd have never done such a thing. The building, his business equipment and antique cars were not insured. But there were a few decent people who knew the truth and helped him to continue his business until he could pull things back together.
    At the time, the three men leaving me there alone and the phone not working and the tire falling off my car seemed VERY odd, but there were so many other things happening that not much focus was put on these confusing details.
    Now that I know we are being targeted, its like another puzzle piece clicking into place - it appears that the fire was set and that the phone and vehicle were disabled, in order to prevent help from arriving. (This property was a large farm and was 4 miles from the center of a small town.) And the false rumor is a typical pattern of the type of targeting I've been experiencing - the exact same rumor was spread when my home was destroyed in a fire almost two decades later.

My Child Births

    In May 1980 I gave birth to my first child after a pregnancy that made me so ill that I lost 16 pounds between my third and sixth months, which was not usual and had concerned my doctor. In the months after her birth, my husband and I moved to a place where people were starting false rumors and accessing our apartment when we were not there. I caught them on one occasion.
    In 1981, during my pregnancy with my second daughter, a doctor told me that my child was dead and that, because I was not miscarrying he should perform an abortion. I believed him and went for the appointment, but at the last minute - while sitting on his table, I suddenly had a really bad feeling about it and decided not to go through with it. He became angry and told me that I was putting my own life in danger if I didn't have the abortion.
    I walked out of his office and had a beautiful baby girl about 6 months later. However, she was born with a minor heart defect, four breasts and her baby teeth were rotted. I now believe that it was from my being microwaved during my pregnancy. Or were they experimenting on her in the womb? The thought of them targeting pregnant women and unborn children and babies soars beyond criminal! Why crowds of law enforcement are not leaping up to stop these atrocities can only be explained by widespread mind control tactics. Most of humanity has too much Heart to be allowing this on its own accord.
    Around the time of my daughters birth we were forced to move out of our apartment. The birth was unusually long and VERY painful and I was forced to be packing up our belongings and moving through the next few days, due to being evicted while I was in labor.

    With both of my children I experienced severe pain in my breasts each time I tried to breast feed them. At the time, this felt abnormal to me and I now feel that it was most likely part of the targeting, which was aimed at preventing that important process of mother - child bonding.

The Chain Saw Accidents

    My husband had two unusual chain saw accidents between 1980 and 1983. One crippled his finger and one temporarily crippled his arm, due to nerves being severed. He later had surgeries that grafted new nerves into his arm. During this time I took on an evening job, in order to pay the bills, and was treated unusually horrible there.
    Around this time, a man who was working for my father also had a serious chain saw accident. And, if I remember correctly, this may have also been the time frame when my father had a mild chain saw accident which knicked his leg. There seemed to be a sudden outbreak of chain saw accidents in the early 1980s!

The Trespassers

    I remember a day when I noticed a group of men on my front lawn, appearing to be fishing and having a party. My property consisted of 7 acres and they had to park out on a road, where there was no parking lot, and walk down my 600 foot driveway, in order to get to my lawn. The fact that they were trespassing had to have been completely obvious to them.
    I walked down to them and said, “I’m sorry, but this is private property.” They laughed and one of them looked my body up and down and sarcasticly said, “And are YOU going to make us leave?” I turned around, walked into the house, locked the doors and called the police. The police arrived and the men gave them a hard time also. Before I escorted my children away from the window I saw an officer pulling out a billy club in preparation for a fight.
    At the time I found this VERY odd and ended up assuming that they were just city slickers who did not understand the concept of private property. But I now feel that it was part of the targeting - perhaps a way to try to make me feel uncomfortable and unsafe in my own home.

The Mysterious Doberman

    Shortly after moving into our Loudon, NH home we had an unusual experience with a dog - doberman who would come to the edge of our field and literally just sit there and watch us. After several days of this I began asking neighbors who’s dog it was and it turned out that nobody in the neighborhood owned a doberman. It stopped coming after that. But it still seems odd. I have wondered if it was some sort of drone, because I never saw it up close or saw it move. Every time I saw it it was just sitting in the same area.

The Surgeries

    In 1985 I was hit with a sudden infliction to my back and was in horrible pain and doctors wouldn't believe or help me until I was brought in for emergency surgery. After the surgery I had a new infliction, which literally brought me to my knees when it kicked in. It seemed like the nerves were being suddenly pinched or cut off so severely that I'd suddenly be in excruciating pain and fall and had even lost use of my legs on a few of these occasions. This was also medically unexplainable, but a doctor decided to do another surgery to see if there was anything pinching the nerves.
    There were conflicting reports about what was wrong. One said that there was nothing wrong and one said that it was disk fragments pushing against the nerves.
    Prior to these surgeries I'd been healthy and had never had heart problems, but suddenly my heart was often not beating normal and I began feeling unusually fatigued. . .and weird things slowly started happening in my life.

Charlie's Death

    After the second surgery on my spine, when I was in a full body cast for a few months, I visited, and bonded with, my father in law, who was a bit of a tough character, but had started warming up to me. Then he was suddenly inflicted with a severe tumorous type of cancer. Tumors were rapidly growing through his whole body. He suffered indescribably and I often visited him, played cribbage with him and did Reiki on him. Our conversations became deep and meaningful.
    I remember asking him if he let himself cry and release the obvious emotional pain he was in. He looked at me, with tears starting to form in his eyes, "Love, I haven't cried since I was a young child," he said. (His nick name for me was "Love") How sad, I thought. He obviously needed a good cry.
    Our visits became a heavy focus on playing cribbage, which was another form of healing. (He always accused me of cheating when I won. I always agreed. And we'd both smile.)
    I cherished our visits until my husband told me that his mother did not want me to visit Charlie anymore and I reluctantly stopped going. But then he called me one day, and asked, "Why don't you come visit me anymore, Love?" It broke my heart. I couldn't tell him that his wife and son didn't want me to see him - I didn't want to create conflict between them at such a time. But this made me realize that something was wrong, although I didn't understand what. There was no reason to keep me from visiting him. Charlie sat at home alone, in pain, all day, while his wife worked and I was the only one available to be there for him, but this was (for some unexplainable reason) suddenly being prevented.
     But after he was brought to the hospital, I went to see him and sat with him and even cried with him just before he went Home and I am thankful that my heart crashed through their boundaries to be there for him then. "Hi Love," were his last words and he went Home with a healing tear dripping down his cheek.
    I was not allowed to go to his funeral - my husband had told me that his mother did not want the wives of her sons there, but I was apparently the only one told this, because the others went. But I had already said my good-byes to him and needed no other closure.
    Why my mother in law had suddenly turned against me, especially at a time like that, is a mystery, because nothing had happened between us. This pattern of unexplainable discord and people not being allowed to be there for each other in deepest hours of need has been a strong pattern in the targeting. It has repeatedly happened to me for no apparent reasons. It seems like decent people are literally brainwashed into not being there for loved ones during their deepest hours of need.

The Head Lights

    Around the time of my visits with Charlie, the head lights on my car started malfunctioning - they would suddenly stop working while I was driving in the dark. Mechanics couldn't find anything wrong with it. This never happened when my husband drove it. But it kept happening to me. I finally traded it in for another car and was lucky to have not ended up in an accident with it. (Since then I have realized how much electronics can be remotely effected, especially if certain devises are installed to aid the process.)

The 1990s

    The 1990s were filled with chaos and confusion. By this time my life appeared to be infiltrated and it seemed like there was always something happening to inflict hardship. My daughters, and other loved ones, were being targeted as much as I was and I feel bad that I did not fully realize this until recently. We were all being put through hell in different ways. It seems like whatever bothered us most was what was set up for us to experience and we were often too numb or too consumed by our own hardships to fully be there for each other.
    At one point my youngest daughter came to me and said that my other daughter was going to people and was just making up things against me. When I talked to her about it, she said she did not remember doing such things. I believe both of them. I believe that my daughters have been mind control victims since birth.
    Looking back on it now, it also appears that, in the early 1990s, my life was suddenly being infiltrated by members of some sort of dark occult - each one moving into different parts of my life and it was later revealed that most of them were connected - they knew each other. During this time my neighbors and friends started pulling away for no apparent reason. Judging by the bits that I have heard since then, their appear to have been some serious rumor campaigns going on, but no one came to tell me about it, they just all faded out of my life. This is odd, because I had a good group of friends and neighbors and our relationships seemed solid and enjoyable.

Family separation

    In the late 1980s and early 1990s unexplainable discord started erupting in my family of origin, which lead to my separating from them.
    My sister started behaving so strangely that I told my whole family that I needed time to myself, which ended up being a complete separation due to the confusing mess that followed my request for time. The family separation was filled with many confusing occurrences, which I now feel were instigated by Hitler-style manipulations at a time when none of us were aware of being targeted. (This could be a LONG story.)

The Divorce

    After the first surgery my husband started treating me in ways that were not like him. The primary thing that now makes me fully believe that he was experiencing some sort of mind control is remembering when he suddenly became sexually forceful. This was so completely opposite from who he was that it was scary. His other behaviors, through this time, had also suddenly changed and he became like a thorn in my side, sabotaging things and degrading me and playing mind games...etc. We'd been married for nearly a decade before his sudden change in behaviors, and he had NEVER been like this before. Its like he became a different person. And I ended up divorcing him, which played right into their hands. The targeting vamped up as soon as he left.

The infiltration

    In short, after the family separation, and divorce from my husband, my life was slowly infiltrated with new groups of people, whom I am now realizing included members of organized stalking groups and some sort of dark occult. The targeting vamped up into levels that are now obvious to me. Strange little things started happening more frequently. Like the time when I returned home and found that my pic-nic table had been moved from the front lawn to the back lawn. My furnace kept backfiring for no apparent reason. My oldest daughter suddenly started having spurts of uncharacteristic behavior and started gaining weight for no apparent reason. Problems with my furnace backfiring for no apparent reason, constant prank phone calls...etc. (I may be able to share more later.)

The Phone Calls

    I was also getting strange phone calls, which now seemed to be trying to instigate trouble between my husband and I. One was a call from a man who asked for my husband and said he though he was home because he wasn’t at work. (My husband WAS at work) Another one was a man who asked for my husband and became sexually suggestive and rude with me. Perhaps he thought I’d blame my husband? I didn’t.
    After the divorce, the phone calls vamped up. I was constantly getting calls with deep breathing on the other end, or no sound at all or people laughing and saying sorry wrong number far more what would be normal.
    The worst of the calls was when my daughter told me that my sister had called and told her that she was going to come and take her away from me when I was not home. This scared my daughter to the point of not wanting to be left home alone. Like her, I had also believed that it was one of my sisters and this built larger walls between my family and I. But was it? Now that I realize the targeting, I realize that this may not have been my sister making that call to my daughter who was only around 10 - 12 years old at the time. And the list could go on. . .
    We were being terrorized with phone calls. And this has also periodically happened through the years since then. Sometimes its a LONG silence. Sometimes its music. Sometimes its weird garbled noises...etc.
    In recent years, when I’ve saved phone messages that could be proof, my phone will suddenly start giving me messages which state that saved messages need to be deleted, in order to receive anymore. The same thing happens with texting. And this happens when I do NOT have enough saved messages for it to REALLY be full. This appears to be a targeting tactic to make me erase proof. . .and it works, because I can not afford to keep buying new phones, in order to save what is on the current one and still be able to receive messages.

The TV Show

    As my life became infiltrated, many unusual things happened. One was when a woman zoomed in on me and talked me into being on her local TV show. I never understood what her interest in me was and perhaps this is yet to be shown. This woman had suddenly shown up in my life, pulled me onto the show and then faded away as if that was her only purpose in my life. It has always felt weird - like some sort of manipulation took place.
    The show is a bit foggy in my mind - I believe that I may have been being drugged as well as inflicted with technological mind control around this time. But I remember her telling people that I was “following” the native American religion and my numbly going along with her, instead of correcting her and explaining that I’d been exploring it as well as others, but have never “followed” any man made religion, because it is something that I do not believe in.
    It seems like there have been multitudes of little set-ups to try to discredit me, especially in the areas of spirituality and morality. And this may have been one of them.

Most Terrifying Experience

The fire scare at my house on one of the first times I'd left my children home alone - I returned to find fire trucks in my yard. . .(Updated in book)

The Taking of my Loudon Home

    There appeared to be repeated attempts for perpetrators to move in and take over my home after my husband and I divorced. Two people offered to buy it and let me continue living there. Two had tried to actually move in with me. All of it was done under the guise of help and by those whom I am now realizing were part a perpetration infiltration into my life in the early 1990s. I had refused all of their offers before the state of NH DOT moved in to take my home under their rights of eminent domain. . .and then I unwittingly rented a room to a woman who now appears to have been a perpetration puppet.
    The process of taking/purchasing my Loudon, NH home was dragged on for about a year and a half and left me feeling shocked by the ways it was handled. At one point I had called a news paper reporter with the hope that some exposure would help swing things into a more positive direction. To make a long story short, things were manipulated in ways that made it all appear to be a good thing, in a news article, although it wasn’t. And there seemed to be nothing I could do to stop any of it. Local lawyers refused to help me. A friend’s father had stepped in to offer to help me and had later come to the closing, which may have made it go better than it had prior to his presence. But that friend's family now appears to have been targeted as well.
    I do not want to make our government look bad, although this experience had crushed my faith in it for a number of years. I have since realized that there is good and bad everywhere, in this horrible mess, and I can not blame the whole DOT or “the government” for what happened to my daughters and I. There were some good people, whom I'd dealt with in the DOT. But the Truth is that it hit a point where it seemed like the good were taken off the case and then one official appeared to have covertly threatened me, with a forced foreclosure of my home, if I talked to another reporter.
    Then the closure date was set. . .and then suddenly delayed after I’d shut down my in home business in preparation for the move. This left me with no income and in an uncomfortable position. An official at the DOT suggested that I go on welfare. But I didn’t want to go on welfare. And I didn’t want them to take my home and force me to shut down my business and then not follow through on the closing. I wanted to keep my home and keep working but they had me up against a wall. And I had two pre-teen children to be concerned about.
    And, though this was extremely distressful, I reacted to it in ways that were completely out of character for me. As I look back I am also realizing that it is VERY possible that the woman I’d rented a room to, through this time, was drugging me.
    Now that I look back at it, all of it appears to have been part of the targeting, although I did not realize it at the time. The taking of my home was surrounded by odd unusual things and extenuating circumstances. . .like most of the heavy targeting events.
    In 1995 the DOT finally followed through with the forced purchase of my home. After I moved, they had called to question me about stealing my rose bushes from the property. I should have taken them, because they were mine, but I didn’t. This was one of the small strange things about the forced “purchase” of my home - I had built beautiful gardens on my property and had plants that were important to me, but they would not allow me to take any of my own plants to the new home I was purchasing. Someone else ended up with them.
    With all that said, and with what I now know about how manipulative the upper level perpetration is. . .was it possible that some of those phone calls were not actually from DOT officials? I guess so. But the fact that the closure on my home was delayed after I’d closed my business in preparation for the move, and after what appeared to be a covert threat to shove me into foreclosure. . .it still looks like at least some of it was due to at least one DOT official.
    My name was Sharon Buck at this time - but I had changed it to Namatari Neachi near the end of this taking of my home.

The Abusive Relationship

    In the late 1990s my life was consumed by a man whom I now believe was both a victim and a perpetrator. That I let him into my life is something I feel ashamed of. This was not like me. I was NOT prone to abusive relationships. And this is one of the reasons why I wonder if I had also been being drugged during my time with him. Around that time, I owned a country home and never locked my doors. I had no idea that I was being targeted.
    At one point he had tried to harm me while we were white water rafting. The raft was stuck at the base of a waterfall and he stepped onto a rock, climbed out and tipped it over, dumping me under a powerful fall that held me under the water. Then he kept pulling the raft away from me as I surfaced choking and groping for it. I nearly drowned - I inhaled a lot of water.
    On another occasion he’d tried to inconspicuously shove my hand into a running saw blade by pushing on a board I was about to cut, while pretending that he we was just trying help me by adjusting it. And the list could go on. . .
    He seemed programmed to consume and disrupt my life and put wedges between my daughters and I. My experiences with him could fill a book. Perhaps someday I will have time to share more.
    After ending my relationship with him, he sent another perpetrator into my life and weird things kept happening. . .like doors slamming in my house in the middle of the night, my getting sudden flares of fatigue, fevers, nausea, plants suddenly dyeing in my garden and home, birds suddenly not coming around my home...etc.

The Unexplainable Brain Injury

    My oldest daughter experienced the sudden infliction of a medically unexplainable neurological problem, which implied a brain injury, although there was none.
    She woke one morning with strange neurological problems and rounds of excruciating pain in her head. She’d lost motor skills to the point of not being able to dress herself or tie her shoes and her speech was slurred, as if her tongue was not functioning properly. (She was around 15 years old.) I rushed her to the hospital and test after test took place while she often screamed in pain and demonstrated completely uncharacteristic bouts of anger. Tests for meningitis and a brain tumor turned out negative. But, since then, there are manipulations happening to try to hide this. My daughter has been brainwashed into thinking that it was meningitis, but the Truth is that this was the first thing that medical tests had ruled out. She recovered from the physical symptoms in a couple weeks, but has not been the same since. There appeared to have been some damage to her brain.

The Dentist

    In the late 1990s I was referred, by a "friend," to a dentist who suddenly cut an un-necessary deep gash into my upper gums. At the time I thought he was just psycho and I never returned to him. But I now wonder if he installed a micro chip.

Lost Medical Records

    I also had strange experiences with a doctor, which this same "friend" had recommended. I now believe that this doctor was a severe mind control victim, because she had launched into weird jibberish talk when she tried to talk to me and someone else. At the time I thought she may have been on verge of a mental break down due to the pressure of medical school. But I’ve since read reports of this happening to mind control victims when “forced speech” malfunctions.
    It appears that my medical records have vanished from her office . . .as if I had never seen her. My original doctor (a good one) suddenly died just prior to this one being recommended. I no longer have medical records. And I wonder of new ones have been fabricated, because I hear that this is happening to other Targeted Individuals.

1999 to 2005

    There is so much that happened in these years that it is difficult to even
    list half of it while still being targeted. But here are a few notes, until I flesh it out a bit more.

Embracing Feelings Book

    In 1999 I worked on a book entitled, Embracing Feelings. Within this book I shared my beliefs on the importance of avoiding pharmaceuticals and allowing the natural inner healing process, which our field of psychology appears to be stearing people away from in recent decades. It aimed to promote naturl grieving and healing instead of suppressing with antidepressants...etc. I’d shared the manuscript with several people. And then I had begun adding to it and completed it just before a suspicious fire raged through my home. I had not thought this to be the reason for the fire, but am now wondering if it was part of it.

The Prophetic Dream

    Around the year 2000 my concern shared a prophetic dream, which showed criminal contamination of the Concord, NH public water supply. According to experts the mind control parts of Microwave Weapons are most successful on people who are taking mood altering drugs, like anti-depressants. (I have witnessed the Truth in this.)
    (I later realized that, in 2008, news reports stated that these sorts of drugs were being found in around 24 major public water supplies in the USA. I do not believe that it is from "run off." ) I now believe that this drugging of water supplies, in order to enhance technological mind control, is what my dream was warning of. I feel that this is the most dangerous thing that humanity has ever been faced with.


    I had a few experiences in two trips to Peru, including what appeared to an attempt to kill me. And I hope to share more of this story later.

The Pennies

    Those who target me started leaving pennies in obvious places after an aquaintance, (who now appears to be a puppet for perpetration) had told me that he keeps finding and picking up pennies. From around the year 2000 to 2011, I’d find them placed in my bed, on my counters, in my car, on my door step, on the ground near my car...etc. It may have been done for longer without my noticing. It appeared to be their way of letting me know that they had been there - their way of making me feel their intrusions into my home, my vehicles, my hotel rooms. . .my life. I felt the violations and then started trying to ignore it, since there was nothing I could do about it. Who would think that a penny wouldmake a person feel violated? But it does, espeially when I’d find one under the sheets in my bed, because this meant that a criminal had entered my home and my bedroom while I was away. Anyone who has had a home broken into can probably understand how this would feel. In this case, though, the violation goes on and on and on and there is no recovering from it because it continues even when doors are locked.

Sudden Chains of Deaths

    My oldest daughter was surrounded by an unusual amount of deaths. (So much was happening to all of us, around this time, that I am unsure of the exact dates.)
    My daughter’s friend's grandmother, whom she’d been close to, passed away and she had a hard time dealing with the death. And then she was suddenly surrounded by unusual deaths. It was like the gates of hell had opened up.
    A long term childhood friend’s mother was suddenly found dead with both of her grandchildren, in Penacook, NH. It was reported that she had killed her grandchildren and then herself. I do not believe that this woman did such a thing on her own accord.
    One of my daughter’s close friends got married and then her husband shot himself in front of her. They called it suicide.
    Around this time, and just before a fire destroying my home, a friend of mine was suddenly found dead in his house. Reports say it was from a heart attack. I’d been about to purchase land from him and move next door to him. And there appears to have been manipulations around keeping me from going there and from seeing his will.
    A few years later my daughter walked into her co-worker’s apartment and found him dead. Reports said it was from his diabetes.
    There may be more that I am not remembering. I FULLY believe that most of these deaths (if not ALL) were murders instigated by those who target us. There may be more. It is difficult to remember while having microwaves blasted into my brain.

Child Roped in by Perpetrator

    My youngest daughter was roped in by a perpetrator on the web. I now believe that he was part of the whole targeting process, because of the way he instigated negative opinions against me in my own local police department.
    This was a scary time, because my daughter was obviously being brainwashed and I had lost her for 24-48 hours when this man had taken her to a motel room. My X husband and I hired a private investigator to help with the situation and the perp actually called my local police department and convinced the chief that I was the one who was in the wrong for intruding upon his life with a private investigator...etc. (Perhaps I will share more about this later)

The Parachuting Accident

    Around the year 2000 I went parachuting with someone for the first time. The instructor, whom I was lined up to jump with, suddenly decided to take someone else before me, because that person was in a rush. After the jump, the instructor told me that his parachute failed to open properly and that he ended up having to cut it off and open an emergency back up while falling. And I was the one who was originally lined up for that jump! I have believed what they told me. However, recently, I find myself wondering if this was true - if his shoot really failed to open, because the deceptions and premeditated set ups, in order to discredit our testimonies and make it look like we have “false memories,” or are making up things, is immense. (This MAY be happening with this event, as well as it possibly being just to scare me, because I never actually SAW the parachute fail to open.)

Missing or Dead Pets

    From 2000 to 2001 we lost three pets. Two of my cats were suddenly missing and my healthy dog suddenly died of a strange illness. The vet said her spline had been twisted, but that there was no physical/medical explanation for it. (In the early 1990s one of the perpetrators had made comments about wondering what I do to my cat just before our cat was missing and clumps of its hair left in my yard. this was the first of four unusual pet losses.)

Home and Storage Bin Fires

    In may of 2001, my home was destroyed in a suspicious fire. Ironically there were two other fires on the same day, which distracted the fire marshal from doing more investigating into what REALLY happened to my home. The process to put out the fire was "suspicious," said the fire marshal. The fire seemed to have been put out and then re-started. . .destroying my writings and thousands of dollars, which I had been in a room next to the one where the fire had started and had originally been contained to.
    I had reconnected with my father around this time and he’d come up to help me on one occasion. Then he faded away again. I recently learned that his sister died around this time.


In 2001 I had a couple experiences with being targeted in Hawaii. One of them could have been life threatening. I hope to share more abut this soon.

My Little Brother’s Death

    In Dec 2001 my brother Kevin called me and said, "Something weird is going on around here! Pops is suddenly acting strange..." ("Pops" is what he called my father.) I did not know what to think of it and I was being so heavily targeted that I forgot it. But it is now clear to me that he was starting to realize the targeting - he knew that something was wrong. (I believe that this was around the time when new levels of the mind control technologies were being used on us. Within this same month I went completely blind for several seconds. This has never happened before or since then.)
    In August 2002 this brother was suddenly killed in a mysterious accident with a four wheeler and was found face down in a river. Many people knew that there was something suspicious about his "accident" but our persuit for further investigations was interupted by my cousin’s sudden death during a heart attack.
    I believe that my brother’s death was a murder and that my cousin’s death was also a murder, which was intended to be a distraction from further investigations, because this is a typical pattern of the targeting. (This appears to also be happening to other people whom I have gotten close to and talked to about the targeting.)
    Within two days before my little brother’s death, someone had come to me and talked about being scared of his little brother dieing. And this is the same type of sadistic, cryptic forewarning that those who target me have often put out before executing their plans. Unfortunately, I did not realize this at the time.

The Fabricated Letter & Psychotronic Dream

In 2003, my father received some sort of email or letter, which he was extremely upset with me about. He refused to tell me what it said, (which was odd) but he obviously thought it was from me. At the time I thought it was something my sisters had jealously done, in order to come between my father and I. I now feel sure that the perpetrators were responsible for whatever was written to hurt my father and once again destroy my relationship with him.
    In 2004 I prayed for answers, after my father tried convincing me that something is wrong with me, and then had a dream, which suggested that my father had been sexually inappropriate with me. At the time, I believed it and thought this was why he was driving against me - in order to cover it up. This broke my heart. I cried for days!
    Now that I am aware of the technologies that can remotely brainwash us and project dreams into our brains, it explains it. I now firmly believe that this dream was NOT a real dream, and that the vague memories which followed it, were brainwashing. And I believe that my father was being brainwashed against me. I believe that both my father and I were/are victims of microwave mind control. (There is more that I may add later)

Electronics Malfunctioning

I have not been able to wear watches, without them almost instantly dying, since at least the mid 1970s. And I have had repeated problems with the electronics in vehicles malfunctioning in my presence. I used to joke about this being something to do with my energy field, but now feel that it was due to being microwed and other possible radio wave technologies that were used on me.

Nashville Tennessee and California

I had a lot of targeting experiences in Tennessee and California in 2003 and 2004 and hope to share more about them soon.

The Push to Label me

Since my little brother’s death, there has been a strong push to label me as “mentally ill” although no doctor has ever questioned my sanity. And my own family has been used in this aim.
    The seems to have started with investigators whom I was told were questioning my family about my sanity after I sent a letter to the Attorney General revealing my suspicions that my brother’s death was not accidental and that there was something wrong and that there could be other murders/deaths in the family. (The deaths have now taken place.)
    My father was clearly being manipulated against me through a fabricated letter or email as well as technological brainwashings and was trying to convince me that I was mentally ill. My sister leapt into it and, through the summer and fall of 2003, kept leaving messages on my phone which stated things like, "come home Sharon we just want to get you the help you need..." These were delivered in a tone that was so obviously sick that I began feeling scared, not only for her, but for myself. (I now feel certain that she is a severe mind control victim.)

    I feel that EVERY person, whom I had been close to, became victims of mind control, especially the family members whom I had been closest to, even though they are not all aware of it. This has become VERY evident in their uncharacteristic (even cruel) behaviors toward me. They are decent people who would be here for me if they were not being heavily influenced to do otherwise. I am 200% sure of this. I continue finding forgiveness for their drive against me and inability to stand with me in this brutal fight, because they are also victims and we are ALL being hurt by EVERY level of this lethal targeting.

2005 and 2006

I have not even come close to finishing this yet, but, I am going to print, because I am being targeted so heavily that I fear not being able to share any of this at all. Hopefully I will be able share more in another edition.

    By the end of 2005 I began to realize that something was horribly wrong - that I was being "targeted." But I had assumed that it was some sort of small local occult that was against my writings and I was not aware of the microwave and psychotronic weapons being used on us. But now that I am aware of criminal use of these technologies, it explains a lot and has helped confusing puzzle pieces click together.

The Personal Journals

The targeting seriously vamped up in 2005, as I published "The Personal Journal," which shared more precognitive dreams about upcoming disasters and a "pretentious fiction" story called, "Heights of Wisdom," which was about an elderly woman, named Wisdom, who showed an eager politician how to save the world from evil forces that are connected with a men's group...etc. (I did not know, at the time, that my writings MAY have been intuitively picking up on part of what is really happening.)
    Through this year I struggled with periods of severe pain in my head, dizziness, nausea, hair loss and numbness...etc. I thought that I was becoming terminally ill and put more focus into my writing. . .in an effort to complete my life's work. As I did this many of my printing machines crashed. My computers also kept crashing. My whole neighborhood was suddenly gone in a flash flood, from an unusual concentration of rain, which formed a lake behind a "plugged culvert"... (four of my neighbors were killed!)

Slander of Forewarnings

In June of 2005, when I first started putting out "Forewarnings of Disasters," which were being shown in my dreams, my estranged sister suddenly exploded into a public slander, on the internet - trying to declare me insane - "paranoid” and “evil." This was extremely unusual, at the time, not only unusual that she'd do such a thing, but also unusual in the fact that EVERYONE who knew me knew that I was the opposite of paranoid...etc. I had traveled all over the USA and to Canada, Peru and Hawaii, ALONE. . .and never locked my doors and left keys in my cars...etc. I was well known as being "TOO trusting" and fearless.

The Flood and the Rape

Near the end of 2005 a flash flood wiped out my neighborhood. This was reported to have been caused by a stalled storm and a plugged culvert. I believe that the storm was probably stalled by weather modification technologies and that the culvert may have been intentionally plugged. I’d had dreams about this flood, before it happened, as well as others. . .and I now believe that those dreams were picking up on MAN-MADE disasters and that this is why I was so heavily targeted around the public exposure of these dreams.
    After the flood, a couple zoomed in to "help" me, because I no longer had a home to go to. When I got to their home my vehicle was boxed in so that I could not leave without them moving their own vehicles. (There was plenty of room for this to not have to be this way) While I was there I was drugged and raped and lost over a week of time. During my week or two that I was held there I was also brainwashed into thinking that I was responsible for the deaths of the four of my neighbors who died in the flood.
    I later stood up in front of a huge crowd of people, at my neighbor’s wake, and apologized for being responsible for the deaths - for not forewarning them, although I HAD forewarned people. This was in front of WMUR news cameras and a criticizing minister! This was NOT like me. (I flunked the public speaking part of freshman english at the UNH.) I believe that my doing this was due to being brainwashed. ON my own accord I'd have approached my neighbor’s families privately. The whole thing probably baffled me more than them. During that time I was completely unaware of being targeted - I was completely unaware of the existence of, and criminal use of, psychotronic and microwave weapons, so the criminals had free reign.
    When I later reported the rape to their local police chief, nothing was done about it and the tire on my car suddenly went flat while I was in the police station talking to the chief. He seemed involved and other weird things happened, which I may share later.)

Unexplainable Rudeness in Strangers

Since the summer of 2005, many people, whom I didn't even know, suddenly started treating me rudely everywhere I went (worse than ever). Even my own children began turning against me in ways that were confusing and not like them. (I had been VERY close to my children) And I continued to feel physically ill, although I'd spent a LOT of money on medical testing, in 2003, which came up with nothing wrong with me. in 2005 and 2006 I ended up in emergency rooms on several occasions. . .with sudden loss of depth perception, blurred eye sight, hearing loss, nausea, severe pain in my head and loss of balance...etc.

Cryptic Threats

Since 2005 I have been receiving cryptic threats and what appears to be repeated attempts to harm or kill me in ways that would look like a natural death or accident. Among other things, brakes on my vehicles often malfunction to the point of sudden loss of brakes, while I’m driving. This has happened on two different vehicles and repeatedly on one. The fact that I drive older vehicles makes it easy to cover up these sorts of crimes. I am sure that SOME may be coincidence. But my instincts, an honest mechanic, and the fact that there is an obvious targeting, tells me that the brakes and on my vehicles have been tampered with by those who target me.

New York

In 2006 I was lured to Upstate NY by one of the perpetrators and nearly lost my life, while I was there. I heard that this area was the base for a satanic occult. The hell I went through while being stranded there could fill a whole book! One experience was with a man who suddenly full throdled a boat, nearly knocking me overboard. (More may be added soon.)

Lupus by Microwaves

Shortly before January 18, 2006 I publicly declared that the Lupus, which I'd just been told I had, was caused by harmful energy that was being directed at me from a dark occult. This conclusion was partly due to sets of dreams I’d had, which appeared to be warning me. After publicly sharing this I was attacked so severely that it nearly put me back in the hospital. The attacks have confirmed, to me, that the microwaves were indeed inflicting me with lupus and that microwave weapons are being used by some sort of dark occult. (Around this time my business email address had been taken over. and this was not the first time that I'd lost an email account.)


In 2006 I learned, through the stalkers shoving it in my face, that my writings were being plagiarized. One of my songs became a hit song and a popular book had obviously taken off with ideas, and even names, which came from my Personal Journals. One of my subscribers is connected to this. Those who target me appeared to be doing this to hurt me, to anger me.

2007 to 2008

Since 2007, my life has become an intense struggle to continue my work, while it is still being sabotaged, and to survive while I am being almost continuously either microwaved, lasered, psychotroniced, stalked or harassed and sometimes threatened, drugged and attacked with chemicals or bacteria.

I had left upstate NY and rented a cabin on the coast of Main in the spring of 2007. In this cabin I produced and printed the first issue of “Sharon’s Bud.”
    While I was there a storm raged through the area and a woman, who is connected to those who were plagiarizing my work, called me and asked how my foot was, directly AFTER my foot was suddenly, for no apparent reason, hurting so much that I could hardly walk on it. How did she know? And what happened to my foot? (I believe that my foot was injured with a laser weapon, just as I believe that the same sort of thing later happened to my daughter directly after we had started playing tennis in 2011.)

Sharon’s Bud and Attack on Daughter

In 2008, while I was producing the second issue of "Sharon's Bud," in Portsmouth, NH, I experienced a break in of my truck, trashe being left outside my vehicle door, my work being wiped out of my computer and disks and debilitating levels of microwaves.
     During this time my youngest daughter was attacked by what sounded like a cruel V2K and microwave attack. This was an isolated experience, which terrified her so much that she made me promise not to tell anyone, but I am telling it for the sake of her own future safety. . .and that of all of humanity. (It is the secrecy around these criminal technological attacks, which enable them to continue.) In that same year my daughter also suddenly woke with bruises, in the shape of finger prints, on the inner part of her upper arm. It appeared that she was drugged and raped. I believe that this was not the first time and that this has also happened to me on at least 4 occasions.

Death of a Nun

In 2008 I sent a letter to my aunt, who was a Canadian Nun (I was wanting to go see her about this targeting stuff) and after a month of no response, I found out, through the internet, that she had died around the time when she'd have received my letter. This same thing also happened in 2006, when I was about to go see another aunt.

2010 to 2012

There is a LOT missing from this section, because I need more time to process it and am having difficulty remembering things.

The Anthrax

In December 25, 2009 I ended up in an emergency room with symptoms, that someone later told me, were like a mild anthrax exposure. The symptoms started when I breathed in something that was placed in my room at a rooming house where two military boys had moved in directly after I had. The hospital refused to run tests or help me. I remained in a lot of pain and having a hard time breathing and was suddenly coughing up huge globs of mucus that had little back dots in it. This was not normal! I had not been ill prior to this attack. As I tried calling other places for help, someone told me that it was like “anthrax” and ironically. . .someone told me that IN THAT SAME AREA an anthrax exposure (supposedly from a raw hide drum) was reported and officials, whom I talked to on the phone, would not believe me, because they were suddenly flooded with phone calls - an anthrax scare. (I now believe that this was a distraction. And it confirms, to me, that I was INDEED hit with anthrax.) These sorts of distractions have also happened with police departments - when I go to report an obvious part of the targeting, the department I am heading for, is suddenly flooded with calls and mine gets lost in the shuffle. . .and then the attacks against me vamp up.

Into the Light

In Feb of 2010 I was living in my car and writing "Out of the Dark"/"Into the Light" book while being constantly harassed by organized stalkers. In this book I tried and failed to figure out who was targeting me. I had not yet understood what was happening. This book is freely downloadable on

The Heart Bud

In 2010 and 2011 I aimed to resurrect "Sharon's Bud" into "The Heart Bud" and printed two issues of this publication. . .against unbelievable odds. Through this process I was hit with one obstacle after another. (My phone company even kept changing my phone number, after I had business cards and ads printed!) At least THREE of my largest sponsors suddenly had disasters happen to them within a couple weeks of its printing. One was held at knife point in a robbery. One had water pipes suddenly burst above his shop. And one was suddenly hit with unusual physical injuries. Two of these people have been put out of business. You may call this a "coincidence" and I had wondered also, but I now feel that its not. (In the summer of 2013, as I aimed for another printing, my only possible sponsor suddenly experienced a robbery.)

    Can you imagine what it feels like to know that if I continue my work, people whom I care about and people who support me may be harmed or attacked???!!! Those who target me tell me that its my fault, through messages sent through their puppets. In my heart I know that if I don't continue with my work they will still be harming and destroying people. I’m not their only target and they were targeting me long before I started writing about it. (The 2010 and 2011 printings of the Heart Bud I had not shared anything about the technologies being used on us.) So I try to continue, but its hard. . .not only to know that they will be hurting other people for it, but also because they keep successfully preventing my writings and even possibly altering them in ways that can make people not trust or believe me...etc. I have hoped that, as I continue, the targeting will become obvious enough to engage the law enforcement help we need. But this has not yet happened.

    In the spring of 2011, I was yanked off the floor in a department store and rushed to the hospital, by ambulance, due to a sudden attack of severe vomiting, inability to see properly or stand up or walk. At first I had assumed it was from the water I drank just before this event. But I now feel that it was probably due to a remote electronic attack to my brain.

Stephen’s Death

Summer of 2011: I had begun sharing some of my experiences with a CNN news team member. . .and then suddenly his son was found dead. Another "coincidence" or another distraction from the public finding out about this? I think it was a murder. I'd even had a dream, prior to this, which showed that "someone who is close to someone I know suddenly dies..." But I have no way of proving it.
    It has been reported that psychotronic weapons can project dreams into our brains while we are sleeping. Was that dream projected into my head to warn of what they would do if I continued talking to him? Very possibly. But I didn't understand that until after this had happened.

The PI Plotting A Murder

In August, 2011 I was roped in by a "Private Investigator" woman who offered to help me, but ended up being a perpetrator who lured me to her home, set off gun shots in the middle of the night and then tried to convince me that this, as well as the rest of the targeting, was being done by a man I knew. She'd told me that all the stalking and terror in my life would end if we “eliminate him.” My response was shock. And she persisted - repeatedly saying things like, "If you can't do it, I'll do it for you. I became a Private Investigator so I could take out these guys and beat them at their own game. Don't you want this to end? Don't you want it over? Don't you...etc?" She tried to convince me that all my troubles would be over if this man was "done in." (This is when I first began finding out the deeper truths about the whole "Targeted Individual" process and that I had already been a victim of it for a very long time without realizing the full scope of it.)
    Since I raced away and reported this woman to the police, I have been through literal hell, with almost constant around the clock gang stalking, threats, being shot with lasers...etc.(worse than in previous years.) There even seems to have been a few attempts to abduct me and cause me to have vehicle accidents.
    Police were not able to help me. One officer proved to be a criminal part of this harassment - instead of helping me he terrorized me, literally. And other police departments gave me such a runaround that it was obvious they could not do anything to help me. This was a blatant plotting to commit a murder and nothing could be done about it! Part of the reason for this was that my conversation with this PI woman took place in three different towns and I believe that it was intentionally orchestrated this way, so that there were “jurisdiction” issues. One town said to go to the town where she approached me. Then that town told me to go to the town where she issued the treat against this man. Then that town told me to go to the town where she lived and lead me to. And then the state police told me to go to my own home town PD and have them refer it. In my home town I was literally terrorized by a young police officer and then later spoke to the chief who seemed to want to help, but also said that there was “no case to refer” and he retired in the next year. (Another officer in this department, who had been helping me in 2010, suddenly left the department and the file he was running on this is said to be missing. The file contained print out of a cryptic threat that was put on the web under my name.)
    Trying to report this became another batch of hell on top of what I had already gone through. And the targeting not only continued, but suddenly vamped up to terrifying levels. As I was swarmed and threatened and shot with laser weapons, I became so scared that I jumped into an unregistered car and raced through Canadian border. But I soon found out that it was foolish of me to think that I’d be safe in Canada, and I came back. As I crossed the border a picture of my plate was taken, and as I neared my home area, I was followed by a sherif’s car and then stopped by a police officer who gave me gave me a ticket for driving an unregistered vehicle. I told him about the targeting, but I guess it didn’t matter.

Vandalized Vehicles

In the Fall of 2011 I had just gotten a job, and had expressed to someone that I was going to fix my RV as soon as I got enough money saved, so I could continue with my writings. (My writings, at this time, were NOT about the targeting.) Within a couple weeks, I got a call from a police officer, who informed me that my RV had just been vandalized. Then my job was sabotaged through a series of fabrications.
    This same RV was vandalized a second time in 2013. A little Toyota mini van, which I had in storage was vandalized and destroyed in 2012 and I have had so many brake losses...etc., on various vehicles, that it can not all be coincidences.

"Insanity" Would be Easier

If you are thinking that I am insane, at this point, you should know that I have sometimes wished that were true, because insanity would be a heck of lot easier to deal with than what I’ve had to face, endure, experience and witness. YES, some of my experiences may be "coincidence" but NOT many of them and certainly not ALL of them. And there is FAR more than I list here and NOBODY has this much happening to them, naturally.
    At this point I have already lost almost everything that is important to me. My life has already been mostly destroyed. It is not "courage" that drives my pen, it is out of my pain and anger at the injustice and cruelty toward myself, people whom I love and the rest of humanity. I write because there is nothing else I can do about this, because these criminals are holding me in a place where I am destitute and homeless...etc. I'm not doing well and I do not have much left to lose. In my heart I feel that the Truth will eventually be shown, but only if enough of us stand up and speak out.
    I have been repeatedly threatened to stop writing. But I feel that hope for all of humanity can only exist if this horrible "Targeting" and torturing of innocent people is completely exposed and then stopped. I feel that they will keep on targeting people, even if I stop speaking out, so there is no point in stopping. Writing seems like my/our only hope. I just pray that people will find the heart and wisdom to look past whatever manipulations the perpetrators surround my writings with. . .and the mistakes that come from my own moments of confusion and overwhelm.
    I didn't know I had so much inner strength. Each time I reach the end of my rope I somehow bounce back. My faith has carried me through a lot of it. But I don't know how much longer I can survive, which is partly why I am writing this. I hope it helps to validate at least one other Targeted Individual. . .and helps them to realize that they are not crazy - that the only insanity in our situations exists in those who perform such cruelty and in those who know and do nothing to stop it.

I think my most painful loss is that of my children and the dreams I'd had of becoming a grandmother and being there for them in ways that my grandparents never could be for me. And the other most painful thing has been watching them harm my children and there being nothing I can do to protect them and no one who will help us.

I wrote the following sarcastic song on 7/11/2011 as I cried and drove and sang while being stalked by military puppets.


I pray for a world of peace
Love for those who are in need
No one left alone to bleed
I dream. I dream. I dream.

Must be because I am insane.

I see rich people filled with greed
Stealing from those who are in need -
Controlling this crumbling country.
I see. I see I see.

Must be because I am insane.

I see people fighting for their lives
Darkness turning day to night
People thinking its alright.
I cry. I cry. I cry.

Must be because I am insane.

Occults bleeding hearts and souls
Hiding things that we don't know
Evil aiming for control.
I know. I know. I know.

Must be because I am insane.

There are people trying to silence me
In a world that we think is free.
Things I wish I could not see.
I flea. I flea. I flea.

Must be because I am insane.

I pray for a world of peace
Love for those who are in need
No one left alone to bleed
I dream. I dream. I dream.

Must be because I am insane.

In short, the past couple decades of my life, especially since 2001, have been filled with a depth of difficulty that is nearly unbelievable. I've struggled to hold onto my Faith through invasions of my homes, vehicles, email accounts, phones, body, brain, computers...etc.; through being harassed, stalked and even forced to fight for my life on a few occasions: through sabotaged jobs and homelessness and sudden deaths of the only family members and friends whom I could turn to for help...etc. Its taken a few divine interventions to keep me going this far and I hope that divinity keeps carrying me, because I can not do this alone. Through this turmoil my writings have veered into a fight for justice - a fight for my life and a fight to help save humanity from the technological parts of the targeting.

In past years I had often avoided having to explain the confusing details of being targeted by summing it down into simple statements like, "I lost my home in a fire" or "My neighborhood got wiped out in a flood." Both the fire and flood were surrounded by extenuating circumstances that have felt too difficult to fully explain. People who did not know all the extenuating circumstances and details, sometimes assumed that I was exaggerating. But the REAL Truth is that what happened to me was so much worse than just homes lost in a fire or a flood. If I had a choice between only losing homes or undergoing what I've had to endure I'd choose the loss of homes without hesitation. The rows of deaths, rapes, threats, stalkings and technological attacks into my body and properties and loved ones...have been indescribably worse than the loss of any physical property could possible even begin to be. Perhaps one day you’ll See.
    I feel like my experiences, my plans, my dreams, my trust, my homes, my family, my children. . .my life (as I lived it) have been cruelly torn from me. I have been hurt in ways that I can not even begin to describe, at this point.
    Each time I try to write the depths of this or describe how I feel or try to put a label on it all. . .pain like nothing I have ever known starts rising from the depths of my heart and I sometimes become speechless, because I feel that I can not completely process and heal from this while I am still being targeted.

There truly are no words to describe this. Its a torturous hell that has offered no safe way out, no real help, absolutely no validation or understanding, and no physical signs of the exposure and end of these crimes that are being committed against us. I am surrounded by people who do not believe me and expect me to just carry on as if none of it were really happening. I guess that only another long term heavily Targeted Individual, who has been shoved to the edge of total destruction, could possibly even begin to understand. But whether you believe me or not, please let my testimonies stand as an example for humanity's future, because the Truth will be shown. . .eventually. This I feel sure of - it may not be in time for me, but it will happen.

I wish that the UNcontrolled parts of our media and governments would do the investigating, honest informing and caring prevention parts of this, because its too much for people who are being targeted to do alone. But until then we (Targeted Individuals) are launching into desperate attempts to inform the public, while being targeted. This is a difficult task, to say the least. It is certainly not the most effective way to expose these crimes. So please excuse our mistakes and disorganized writings, which has nothing to do with our intellect or credibility and EVERYTHING to do with the fact we are being shot with microwaves, our brains are being intruded upon with psychotronic weapons, and our writings are sometimes infiltrated and altered by those who target us. So please read between the lines and let your heart feel for us, because we are suffering in ways that you probably can not even begin to imagine.

Those who target us have been aiming to silence or discredit the few lone individuals who have been trying to inform the public, especially those of us who were already "Targeted Individuals." But they can only discredit us if you let them and if we continue to stand alone. Please don't let them and please let your Heart find the Courage to stand with us, for all of humanity.
    Please become aware that the discrediting comes in many forms; They sometimes fabricate, alter or interfere with our emails, letters, phone calls, phone messages, blog posts and web sites as well as instigating slanderous rumors on the web, in the media, in our communities and in our work places. Even our own families are turned against us with the use of mind control technologies and rumors planted by covert harassment group members. (I have experienced all of these things.) This is like a covert, high tech version of Hitler's holocaust. So, don't look for public or family "credibility" in me or anyone else on this subject, because truly knowing a person can only come through personal interaction, (during times when our brains are NOT being microwaved or terrorized.) and certainly not through rumors or slanders fabricated or manipulated by the criminals who target us. This is a situation where, probably more than any other, you are being called to listen, VERY closely, to the Heart of your own instincts above all else. And I hope you do so.
    I feel that much of the rumors and brainwashings could not succeed if people were aware of these crimes and how they are inflicted. Success of the covert manipulations rely on secrecy and those who perform them fight hard to retain it. But they can not continue to succeed unless you let them. Please don't let them - please become aware and help others to do the same.

P.S. When being heavily targeted it is easy for me to blame EVERYTHING on the targeting, because most of it REALLY IS the targeting and I can not always intuit what is coincidence and what isn't, especially when my brain is being shot with microwaves.
    So yup - now that I'm aware of being covertly targeted I have become a lot smarter and far more functional - I can now blame ALL of my own mistakes and misperceptions on the microwaves. Its NOT me - its AAAAALL THEM. ;-) Please see the humor in this.
    Seriously though, its like a person who threatens someone had better pray that nothing else happens to their victim, because the one who issued the threat is apt to get blamed.

P.S. Recently, I find myself wondering about the truth in some of the things, that I'd been told and had believed, because I am starting to realize that the deceptions and premeditated set ups, in order to discredit our testimonies and make it look like we have "false memories" or are making up things, is immense.
    Which events may have been these sorts of set-ups is something that I have not fully sorted out. This is another part of the covert puzzle. But time will tell.
    But I am realizing that I can only fully trust what I’ve directly seen with my own eyes or had directly experienced. . .and NOT what a possible puppet or perpetrator had told me. However, even with true events, witnesses can be brainwashed into forgetting or paid to lie. The aim to cover these crimes against us is HUGE. And I can only pray that enough people are wise enough to listen to the heart of their own instincts above all else, because this IS happening and it can only grow into hurting more and more people if it is not realized and stopped.

Natural Adversity, and its healing process, builds strength.
Adversity, inflicted by fellow human beings, wounds us.
This is why there are laws against harming people.

Even when we do not know that we are being targeted, there is a nagging feeling (a sense) that something is wrong and that feeling can grow into confusing discomfort or self doubt - we can think we are going crazy and lose trust in ourselves when we are unaware of being targeted with electromagnetic frequencies and watched through satellites. . .and this can be as destructive as other parts of the targeting.

P.S. When being heavily targeted it is easy for me to blame EVERYTHING on the targeting, because most of it REALLY IS the targeting and I can not always intuit what is coincidence and what isn't, especially when my brain is being shot with microwaves.
    So yup - now that I'm aware of being covertly targeted I have become a lot smarter and far more functional - I can now blame ALL of my own mistakes and misperceptions on the microwaves. Its NOT me - its AAAALL THEM. ;-) Please see the humor in this.
    Seriously though, its like a person who threatens someone had better pray that nothing else happens to their victim, because the one who issued the threat is apt to get blamed.

P.S. Recently, I find myself wondering about the truth in some of the things, that I'd been told and had believed, because I am starting to realize that the deceptions and premeditated set ups, in order to discredit our testimonies and make it look like we have "false memories" or are making up things, is immense.
     Which events may have been these sorts of set-ups is something that I have not fully sorted out. This is another part of the covert puzzle. But time will tell.
    But I am realizing that I can only fully trust what I've directly seen with my own eyes or had directly experienced. . .and NOT what a possible puppet or perpetrator had told me. However, even with true events, witnesses can be brainwashed into forgetting or paid to lie. The aim to cover these crimes against us is HUGE. And I can only pray that enough people are wise enough to listen to the heart of their own instincts above all else, because this IS happening and it can only grow into hurting more and more people if it is not realized and stopped.

I'd hoped to add more, but I am under immense pressure. I am being threatened and there appears to be another attempt to frame me in process. The only thing that is making me relax on this is the fact that a puppet just pulled into the place I was headed to, displaying a license plate that read, "Framed" right after I'd written about it in my journal. Would they advertize it if they could succeed with it? I do not think so. FYI; license plates are often used, in order to covertly deliver messages. I once caught a puppet with a large stack of plates hidden behind the seat of his truck. Apparently they just pull out and put on whatever one their master tells them to.

P.S.S. On July 31, 2014 (around 7pm) I was shot in the left side of my head with some sort of laser weapon, which produced intense pain and heat and left me in fear of brain damage or death. This is not the first time, but I hape it was the last.

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